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* Documentation of D70RXTX.PRG program for atari-st series *
* *
* Author : G.W.T. Jonkheer (geert) The Netherlands. *
* Version : 1.0. *
* Written in: Borland Turbo C 2.03 and Turbo asssembler. *
* *
* The program is copyrighted (C) 1992 by G.W.T. Jonkheer, and *
* released to the public 27 jan 1992. *
* It is distributed freely, so you may copy and distribute the *
* the program if you like. However the program must be distributed *
* in its original form with this documentation and the *
* 'roland.d70' database file. *
* Also, no charge can be asked for the program. *
The distribution of the Roland D70 sound saver program consists
of the following files:
D70RXTX.PRG The program.
D70.RSC Resource file for the program.
READ.ME This file.
ROLAND.D70 Datafile, which holds the factory preset of
D70 synthesizer.
About the program:
The program is primilarely designed to store all sound settings
of the D70 synthesizer (performance patch tone and rhythm setups)
on a floppy disk or hard disk. It therefor uses the handshake
transfer procedure described in the D70 owners manual.
This procedure is reliable and has the fasted datatransfer,
which you can get to store the sound data.
Of course you can also send the data back to the synth if you like.
Thus from now on, you can really edit all the sounds of your D70,
without bothering on how to retrieve old sounds.
You can start the program by double clicking on the D70RXTX.PRG icon,
or text.
Program instructions:
A) Receiving sound from the D70:
For receiving sound from the D70, you must first click on the
[RECEIVE] button of the program. After done this, you
must start the send capability of the D70 synthesizer (shown below).
Procedure for the synthesizer is as follows.
1) Select system menu (press twice on exit then press F5)
2) Select I -> M or C -> M (Function keys F2 or F3)
3) Select which part of the sound you want to sent to the ST.
(This might be all)
*) Sound
*) Rhythm Setup
*) System Setup
4) Press transfer (F1) and afterwards enter.
The transfer will now take place.
B) Sending sound to the D70 synthesizer.
After you have received or load D70 sound data into memory
of the ST you can send the data back to your D70 by clicking
the button [SEND]. After you have done this, sending will start.
C) Saving sound on a floppy or harddisk.
Click on the [SAVE] button. The file selector will now
pop-up. Select or type in a name.
When no sound in memory is available, no sound can be saved
and the file selector will not pop-up.
D) Loading sound from a floppy or harddisk.
Click on the [LOAD] button and select a file which
contains the sound you will load into ST memory and
afterward to the D70.
Hints, tips, suggestions, comments or questions:
When you have questions about the program, or any hints, tips for
further development of the program, feel free to email or mail me.
Good soundsaving,
Email internet: geert@ccsds.ahold.nl
Mail address:
G.W.T. Jonkheer
Lindenlaan 47
1722 XB Zuid-Scharwoude (N.H.)
The Netherlands